Zir's Pages

Do You Wanna Know??

About: I tried experimenting again. Again. I was just curious, and I signed up with gURLpages. I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I put up my bio and guestbook and I left it to rot for a few months or so. Later, after Say Hello 2 Saya became a little more famous, I thought about using Do You Wanna Know?? as a kind of an extension for the webpage, or a sister site. I never did get to work on that, though.

Contents: Bio, guestbook, an award to win, can't remember what else. I think that was all, basically. I didn't do much on it.

Layout: A "night-sky" background. I can't remember what else.

Award: I didn't win any awards, but I did put up my own award to be won. It was something about great webpage design or something. Nobody applied for it and nobody won.

Others: I kept giving excuses for not updating it, until... (yeah, you know what's coming)

Present Status: I decided that I had no idea what to do with Do You Wanna Know??, I already had 3 other pages, so I requested for my account to be deleted. And it's no more.

Don't I wanna know what I'm doing here??  --  This you click to get back to the list of pages! ^_^

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