---------- From "Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident" (Eoin Colfer) ----- Hazirah M (hazirah@hotmail.com) again and I've translated the Centaurian computer dialect - you know, the symbols at the bottom of every page in the book. I don't know if anyone else has done this (because I haven't looked), but this little project of mine is just for fun. I'm hoping I'm not violating any copyright rules (if I am, then I'm not the only one - copyright violation is everywhere on the World Wide Web). MORE BOTHERSOME NOTES: (1) I'm only doing this because I'm sure there are some people out there who are too lazy to decipher the code themselves, and I'm doing this for them, and also to gloat that I can decipher it (but I admit, it's not like it's difficult ^^;;). So if you want to decipher the code yourselves, by all means, go ahead, I'm not stopping you. I encourage everyone to join in the fun. ^^ (2) I filled in the punctuation myself, so go ahead and blame me for any errors in punctuation. FIRST: 28 Jun 2002 LATEST: 28 Jun 2002 ============================================================= Congratulations, human. If you have cracked the code then you are more intelligent than most of your species. This is a message from the Fairy people. We are seeking out our allies among the Mud Men. Though most humans are dull-witted creatures, there are exceptions. You for example. The reason for your intelligence is that you have Fairy ancestors. Do you feel different from those around you? Are your ears a bit pointier than most? Is your tongue long enough to touch your nose? Do you dream of flying? Have you ever thought that you do not belong among the Mud Men? That is because you have Fairy blood in your veins. So, young Mud Fairy, I have a mission for you. As one of the People it is your duty to protect the Earth from those who would destroy it. You must become one of a new race of Mud Men who love this planet as much as the Fairy folk. There is one simple rule. Use only what you need and use it wisely. Do this and the Earth will survive. Go now and begin your quest. I shall repeat this message for those humans whose Fairy intelligence is buried a bit deeper than yours. ============================================================= You don't mind me putting in my own two cents, do you? Well, compared to the first book ("Artemis Fowl"), I'd say that this code is easier to read, but not as fun to write. The message itself wasn't as interesting as the first. It has good intentions, us filthy Mud Men messing up the world and everything, but I don't find it as intriguing as the message in the first book. Oh well. I hope there's a third book, and I continue this odd interest of mine. ^^ And if there isn't another Artemis Fowl book, let's hope Mr. Colfer writes a new book which is just as good as "Artemis Fowl". Who knows? Here's my contact information if you'd like to contact me (in case you aren't reading this from any of my sites... the horror!): NAME: Hazirah M E-MAIL: hazirah@hotmail.com WEBSITES: http://www.angelfire.com/ego/saya238/ http://zir.tripod.com/